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E-Commerce Tutorial Advanced Edition (Text With Surprises)

Before the narrative begins, the author would like to state that I hope that the author's strategies will really help you. But a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, if you have time, it is best to take the time to practice. Here you can give you a free look at the IP Proxy Checker, click in you can also register to get a free proxy IP, you can also click on the residential proxy to learn more.

Using residential proxies in e-commerce can enhance the operational efficiency and security of your business. The author will introduce here the application scenarios and operation methods you face in practice:

1. Multi-account management

In e-commerce platform, having multiple accounts can help sellers cover more markets and increase exposure. Residential proxies can help sellers manage multiple accounts securely and avoid being recognized and banned by the platform because of duplicate IP addresses.

Method of Operation:

Assign a unique residential proxies IP address to each account.

Change the proxies IP regularly to keep the accounts secure.

Use an anti-detection browser, i.e. fingerprinting browser (e.g. Nstbrowser), to manage different accounts and ensure that the browser fingerprints are not recognized.

2. Price Monitoring and Competition Analysis

Residential proxies can help e-commerce businesses automate competitor price monitoring and market analysis. By accessing competitors' websites through different IP addresses, you can avoid detection and blocking, thus obtaining accurate market data.

Operation Method:

Set up a crawler program to access competitors' product pages via residential proxies IP.

Regularly crawl pricing information and analyze the data.

Use big data analysis tools to adjust your own pricing in conjunction with competitors' pricing strategies.

3. Ad verification and SEO optimization

Using residential proxies, you can simulate visits from different regions to verify the effectiveness of advertisement placement and ensure that advertisements are accurately displayed to the target audience. At the same time, with multiple IP visits, you can improve your website's SEO ranking and increase traffic.

Operation Method:

Using residential proxies, simulate users from different regions to visit the website and verify whether the ads are correctly placed.

Increase the website's traffic and SEO ranking through multi-IP address access.

Monitor the click rate and conversion rate of advertisements to optimize the advertising strategy.

4. Market Research and Data Collection

Effectively use digital marketing strategies such as email marketing and social media advertising. These tools can help you reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness and sales. You can also use residential proxies to conduct market research to get consumer feedback and market trends. This helps companies adjust their product strategies and marketing programs.

Method of Operation:

Through residential proxies, visit social media, forums and review sites to collect user feedback.

Using data analysis tools, process and analyze the collected data to identify market trends.

Adjust product and marketing strategies based on market research results.


In e-commerce, residential proxies are a powerful tool that can help businesses gain advantages in multi-account management, price monitoring, ad verification, and market research. By using residential proxies wisely, e-commerce companies can improve operational efficiency, ensure business security, and stay ahead of the curve in a competitive market.