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Discover the Best Residential Proxies SellersDiscover the Best Residential Proxies Sellers

Additionally, most Proxy Residential providers advertise the services they market fairly freely, using typical marketing methods such as using Google ads to improve their website's rankings on search engines (i.e., search engine optimization) or posting ads in dedicated blog posts to buy proxies cheap. Click here Residential Proxies to sign up and enjoy a free tour to help you .

Profile of residential proxies sellers

According to the author's observations, accounts advertising the services of residential proxies on research forums were created specifically to promote these providers.

Most of the advertisements are written in English or Russian (to a lesser extent), or in both languages in Zelenka, a predominantly Russian-speaking forum. This is due to the fact that the main customers of residential proxies will be active in both English and Russian-speaking forums, but of course the customer base in other countries should not be underestimated. Proxies providers are keen to serve every participating or potential client.

KYC and Compliance

Know Your Customer (KYC) is the process of identifying and verifying the identity of customers when they open an account and periodically over time. It is seen as a measure to ensure that customers do not use their accounts in bad faith. Some residential proxies for businesses adhere to such KYC processes. Some providers also present security compliance insurance that their products are secure, as shown directly in the retrieved Google form.

Compliance is required in most Western countries. However some countries, such as Hong Kong, Russia, Cyprus, etc., have less or no enforcement of these regulations.

In the sample of residential proxies advertisements observed by the author on underground forums, the providers analyzed by the author do not require identification, age verification, postal address or business registration information. These providers usually provide services as soon as payment is received, such as ProxuLite.

Terms of Service

Providers protect themselves through their terms of service, which clearly state that customers are responsible for the activities conducted using the rented proxies and must comply with all applicable laws. Ethical Proxies, Many reputable providers fight for their brand image and therefore argue that proxies are "ethical". Providers mention that they add restrictions and conduct due diligence before accepting new proxies.

Stores and resale channels

In addition to residential proxies that openly and directly advertise their services on forums, a large network of resellers has emerged over the past few years. In particular, the author has observed the activity of stores such as NightShop and ProxyWave Shop, which specialize in reselling access to well-known residential proxies.

The proliferation of resellers and specialty stores suggests an increasingly diverse supply chain model in a lucrative market. This is likely to be driven by a growing demand for anonymity, and further drives demanders for accessibility to residential proxies.


In addition, some residential proxies tend to rebrand over time, adopting new names, visual identities and websites to relaunch their business activities. Rebranding is far from unique to this market segment and usually occurs when a business is looking to enhance its brand image over time.

However, this practice can also help to mitigate the impact of negative comments or events associated with the brand: starting a new brand is a way of ridding oneself of controversy and past reputational damage.

Financial flows associated with residential proxies

Another key aspect of understanding this residential proxies ecosystem and its transparency is understanding how lucrative it really is. Most residential proxies welcome a variety of payment methods, including credit cards, cryptocurrencies, or PayPal, and more than half of the residential proxies I've encountered accept cryptocurrencies for financial transactions with their clients. In some limited cases (less than 5), cryptocurrency was the only valid payment method.

The author was able to further investigate the crypto wallets used by some of the residential proxies in the sample. While the amounts in these wallets fluctuated greatly over time, the author believes that these amounts may not be representative, as more residential proxies' wallets could actually collect more.

In analyzing the proxy and Tron blockchain wallets specifically, the author found a tendency for funds to be constantly transferred to a central wallet, and once a certain amount is reached, this "centralized" transaction is replicated by several other wallets. This reinforces the idea of deliberate centralization of funds, suggesting a concerted strategy to consolidate dispersed assets, which often end up being centralized, and to optimize and maximize the efficiency of asset management on the blockchain. Better residential proxies for everyone.